JTrader is a professional trader and mentor

How to become a profitable trader? Join the JTrader team!

The members of JTrader chatroom and mentorship program will have access to the profitable asset of strategies, techniques, and tools. Learn how to be a full-time trader!

Trading Courses

Based on your knowledge and experience, you can choose the Beginner’s Course or the Advanced Course. Start your day trading journey and become a profitable trader.

What you’ll learn

…and more!

Mentoring programs

A comprehensive trading education program designed by JTrader to give you all the tools you will need to build your account and trade efficiently.

Included in a mentorship program:

…and more!

Join the Jtrader team

Results from the members

Turned a losing streak into a winning streak

Turned an account into a 6-figure profit, in 14 months

From $1,500 to over $40,000


Pre-recorded webinars with exclusive content to better your trading skills. You will have access to a series of videos to deepen your studies


…and Live session Jtrader himself, where you can get extra personalization for any topic of your choosing.

Want to start day trading for a living